ULTRA LIQUID ZEOLITE™ is safe to use
ULTRA LIQUID ZEOLITE™ comes from the only ore supply that's been approved as safe for consumption by humans. In addition, it has been processed in such a way that it can NEVER withdraw necessary minerals or elements from your body — only the harmful ones. In fact, it actually helps to remineralize your cells.
It is processed without chemicals.
Through a natural, proprietary process, concentrated organic humic acid molecules have "naturally digested" the zeolite, holding it in permanent suspension. ULTRA LIQUID ZEOLITE™ is chemical-free, no chemicals, solvents or heat-treating methods are used in our proprietary natural holistic manufacturing process.
It is a natural fast-acting super detoxifier!
Zeolites are a group of minerals with a four-sided honeycomb structure and, rare among minerals, a negative magnetic charge. The effect of the structure and the magnetic charge is that zeolite draws heavy metals and toxins to it and simply engulfs them. The toxins "check in" and they can't "check out." Then the zeolite carries them safely and harmlessly out of the body through normal digestion. The form of zeolite in our product (there are nearly 50 naturally-occurring zeolites) is called "clinoptilolite," and it is this type of zeolite that has been studied for its effect in human nutrition.